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An Overview

"In almost all domains across Commerce - Management, Finance, Taxation, Audit; reading and understanding the financial statements is the most basic task. This is not possible without understanding and updating oneself about the basis of preparation, i.e. Ind AS. I am glad to launch a 35-hour quick, yet comprehensive understanding of Ind AS for Professionals across all domains in a classroom format to understand the core of all the standards in the simplest manner."

"Teaching Chartered Accountant aspirants for over 30 years, it gives me immense pleasure to see my students reach such heights. My interaction with my past students, regarding the challenges faced by them in the implementation of Ind - AS and my own experience in going through annual reports while tracking financial markets for decades, pushed me to design this course for professionals. I feel happy to teach my old students once again."

Course Objective

This course is designed to cover Ind - AS, as notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). It has a detailed coverage of various Ind - AS (Indian Accounting Standards) including Ind - AS 115 - Revenue from contract with Customers, Ind - AS 116 - Leases, Ind - AS 109 - Financial Instruments (Including Hedge Accounting and Impairment under ECL framework) and other complex areas.
The program aims to provide the understanding on the evolution of Ind - AS through my teaching experience over last two decades, while focusing on practical challenges faced by professionals in the industry in application of them. The program covers discussion on recognition, measurement, presentation and disclosure requirements for different Ind AS and key differences between Ind - AS, AS and IFRS.

Course Benefits

On completion of the Course, professionals should be able to:

  • Understand and explain the structure of the framework of Ind - AS
  • Apply relevant Ind - AS standards to key elements of financial reporting
  • Identify and apply disclosure requirements for companies in financial reports and notes
  • Achieve a practical understanding of the key concepts and complex areas in the fields of reporting and disclosures

Certificate & Assessment

Participants will receive a Certificate of completion at the end of the course and the assessment.

Course Coverage (Standards Covered)

Ind AS Topic Duration
1 Introduction to Indian Accounting Standards 0:54
2 Presentation of Financial Statements 0:49
3 Inventories 0:48
4 Statement of Cash Flows 0:45
5 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors 0:25
6 Events After The Reporting Period 0:33
7 Income Taxes 1:03
8 Property, Plant And Equipment 1:31
9 Employee Benefits 1:02
10 Accounting for Government Grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance 0:31
11 The Effects Of Changes In Foreign Exchange Rates 1:09
12 Borrowing Costs 0:44
13 Related Party Disclosures 0:45
14 Separate Financial Statements 0:13
15 Investment In Associates And Joint Ventures 0:33
16 Financial Instruments: Presentation  
17 Financial Instruments: Disclosures 2:00
18 Financial Instruments  
19 Earnings Per Share 1:34
20 Interim Financial Reporting 0:38
21 Impairment Of Assets 1:02
22 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities And Contingent Assets 0:41
23 Intangible Assets 0:39
24 Investment Property 0:22
25 First Time Adoption of Indian Accounting Standards 1:12
26 Accounting For Share Based Payment 1:28
27 Business Combination 1:32
28 Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations 0:58
29 Operating Segments 0:46
30 Consolidated Financial Statements 0:49
31 Joint Arrangements 0:14
32 Fair Value Measurement 0:56
33 Revenue From Contracts With Customers 2:46
34 Leases � Introduction 1:58
  Total 35:00

Course deliverables

  • 35 Hours of Video Sessions
  • 12 months access to Video lectures in Usb drives
  • Query handling through WhatsApp on designated days.

Delivery Mode

Video Lectures

Level : Professional
Language : English & Hindi
Training Mode : Video Lectures
Audience profile
  • Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, ICMA, and other finance professionals
  • Semi Qualified CA, CS, ICMA working in accounting domain
  • Finance Managers, Financial Controllers, Accountants
  • MBA finance working in accounting domain

For individual participation

Corporates can also mail us at